
About the Book

It’s estimated that 4.4 percent of adults in America will experience bipolar disorder but a correct diagnosis can take years to attain. Three generations of my family have been affected by the condition, not only those who have the disorder but our loved ones as well. This story charts the maze of symptoms and misdiagnosis I underwent as a young, competitive, ambitious woman and how living and working with dogs ultimately brought me the strength, stability, and joy to accept the condition within myself, start to heal, and finally sweep aside the stigma that often accompanies a bipolar diagnosis. The book is not only a journey through the struggles one might encounter when negotiating mental health challenges, but also a testimony to the power that animals we live with can bring to us.

“My hope is to influence the river community where there is too much suicide to think about mental health.” – Jane


“This is an adventure story, ranging through rock-climbing to river running to a decades long love of training Labrador Retriever hunting dogs. Jane clearly relates her debt to her dogs for the emotional and mental strength and support she gets from them. A human animal bond helps us understand our connections with earth and nature.” —Dr. Madelyn Curll, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

“This book is a remarkable achievement. Jane’s dedication to mental health advocacy will inspire others. It took courage and resilience to share this story.” —Lanny Douglas, Clinical Director of the Depression and Bipolar Clinic of Colorado Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist

“An unstoppable read! Jane completely captures the essence of a river runner’s lifestyle; the good, the bad and the uncomfortable truths of relationships. Her frankness and insight into mental health issues are truly inspiring.” — Helen Kalevas, Grand Canyon River

Author-Jane-Francis-and-ChaserAbout the Author

Jane Francis and her husband, John, split their time between Dammeron Valley, Utah, and Polson, Montana. For 26 years, Jane bred, raised, trained, and competed with Labrador Retriever Hunting dogs from New Mexico to Montana. Semi-retired from dog training, now she and her two dogs, Rocky and River, still get out and enjoy the outdoors together.